Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A New

Ballerina found dead after internet fantasy “spiralled out of control “

Tallulah Wilson was a fifteen-year-old pupil of the Royal Ballet School. She became an internet addict because she said she didn’t have friends in the real world. Tallulah increased the hours in the net at the same time she started to drink and take cocaine. She founded well in internet because 18000 people love her for who she was.

What was she doing in the net because of that popularity? Simple, she posted pictures and videos of herself with self-inflicted cuts. She didn’t want to do that, people told her to do it. As she did everything they wanted, Tallulah had more and more viewers.

This become out of control as one day, on October, she took an overdose and died. Her mother found her surrounded by packets of pills and moreover she was scrunched up in a ball crying.

After she committed suicide, the police found the journal of Tallulah where she write the words; <I’m fat >, <worthless>, <what am I? You are nothing>, <ugly>… All of those words were very repeatedly and with big capital letters.

People couldn’t understand why she did that, she was beautiful, she was a very lovely girls, she was the most gifted and confident ballerina, an outgoing girl… anyone knew what was the “trigger” of her behaviour. What they knew was that everything changed in February in the half-term that become a disaster on October.

The Telegraph newspaper, 22/28 january 2014

She is Tallulah, she is beautiful as you can see...

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